What I love about working with businesses via the People team:

😁 I get to support in a wide variety of ways, individuals, teams, strategy, workshops, all hands
đŸ€© I see tangible positive change happening over time
😍 I eventually become part of the team


The Offer

I offer a FREE ‘Health Check’ for anyone in my network who’s a People person. The outcome will be clarity for them on the direction for the business, new perspective on what’s potentially needed for them as an individual and what’s needed for the wider team and business. They will take away a document of insights and recommended actions that I put together.

The Objective

Some deep examination of the health of the business in terms of culture, trust, healthy conflict, decision making, performance, roles, communication, concerns and challenges. An opportunity to explore areas of concern/development with a professional business coach, who will hold confidential space to explore deeper.

The Outcome

Clarity on direction for the business, new perspective on what’s potentially needed for the individual and for the wider team and business.  You will gain:

  • Insight and clarity about how you view the business
  • Safe coaching space to explore any concern/challenge they are facing
  • A custom action plan to take away
  • A coaching proposal


‘I was interested to find out what I could learn from obtaining a ‘Health Check’ with Kerry on the People side of our business. I found the process to be engaging and fruitful. It was great to come away with a personal action plan and a proposal for how to move forward. I found working with Kerry to be insightful and impactful. I highly recommend the process to any other People Directors out there. It’s quick, simple and was a real return on investment of my time. In fact, I’ve subsequently hired Kerry as my coach.’ – Paul Fitton, Partner & People Leader, McHale&Co

What’s involved?


Book in your 60 min call, and I will send you a very short prep form to fill in (3 questions)


We meet for 60 minutes and I take you through Q&A about you, your team and the wider business, and we coach around each one as we go along.


I create a follow up document of ‘insights’, topics and talking points, and a series of suggested actions/recommendations to take.


We hold a 30 min follow up session where we fill out the actions table together and discuss what next steps could look like for you, with or without my support.


I will consolidate everything we’ve learned and discussed, and send you your take away plan, along with a ‘no strings’ proposal for how I can help you and/or your business.

How do I book in?

The link to book in is here. I very much look forward to meeting you!