Why might a business be thinking about having coaching?

  • Something’s not quite right at work, but you don’t know what. 
  • Perhaps, it’s just a general ‘off’ feeling that you know in your gut you should listen to and do something about. But you’re not sure what to do, as you’ve tried everything. 
  • Perhaps there is a high turnover of people, something you try not to think too hard about. Perhaps there is a general sense of dissatisfaction, although people are saying all the right things. 
  • Maybe a lot of change is happening and you’re not sure whether people are being brought along with it or not. 
  • Perhaps there is financial instability and uncertainty and it’s hard to know what to do/say to support people and keep them motivated and moving forward.

Here are some examples of how people within an organisation might be feeling, and what they might be thinking.

A CEO’s/Leaders perspective:

‘We are all working so hard but something is ‘off’.’

‘Why is this not working, we are doing everything right? What’s the missing piece?’

‘Why is there still conflict? Why is there negativity all the time?’

‘Why is performance not where it should be? Why won’t people just work more quickly and get it done?’

‘I feel like we are going around in circles. Nobody is really listening to me!’

Everybody else:

‘It seems like people are leaving more than we would like. People are often off sick a lot. I’ll just keep my head down.’

‘I think there is some toxic behaviour at play in the leadership team.’

‘Everyone says what the leadership wants to hear and then mutters behind their backs. I used to speak up but as nothing ever changed, now I don’t bother.  Nobody speaks up about what they really think. It’s the same old same old messages and they’ll never listen to us, so there’s no point.’ 

‘Meetings are a complete waste of time.’

‘Things change so quickly, we never get a chance to make anything work properly.’

‘I’m trying really hard to deliver but it’s so hard getting what I need from the other teams. ‘

‘I work so hard on my tasks that I have no time to think or be strategic. There’s so much I would like to do, given the time and support.’

I don’t know what my career progression path is. I’m underpaid and too scared to speak up and ask about it.

Is any of this familiar to you?

What can you expect to change in your business?

Words my clients have used after having coaching in their business:

‘Coaching has increased the effectiveness of our people in their roles’ – CEO

‘We have seen increased goal setting and achievement of goals’ COO

‘We are all more honest and open about the challenges we face’ CPO

‘We have created a new culture of ownership’ – VP

‘We’ve seen a big lift in morale and motivation’ – VP

‘We’ve all got more empowerment and confidence – across the board’ – Principal

‘We’ve enjoyed having you help us articulate our dreams – and start to realise them!’ CEO

‘We’ve unpicked problems and we can now see the bigger picture’ VP

‘Motivation, collaboration and professionalism is up significantly, making for a better work environment, and ultimately even better outcomes for our clients.’ CSM

Five reasons to introduce coaching into your business

  1. You will LEARN. You will learn so much about how everyone feels and what they need. You will enable people to talk truthfully in their teams. You will create change
  2. You will delight, encourage and re-energise your best people. You will fast track resignations in people who have lost desire and motivation to work for you
  3. You will create motivation, productivity, efficiency and focus within both people and teams. It is action oriented
  4. You will create cultural transformation, innovation and change off the back of coaching. Positivity, vulnerability, honesty, trust and openness will be fostered. Healthy challenge and debate will start to emerge. Coaching changes the language we all use, and the culture. It’s infectious
  5. You will send a clear message to your people that YOU CARE about them. You will show them that you prioritise people and healthy relationships.

And a bonus one – people just love coaching. The positivity generated is really striking. People are very grateful for the coaching. They feel relieved, lighter, motivated and re-energised.

Get in touch with me for a no strings conversation about your business and how I might be able to help.